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Cellphone Manufacture

With all of the available types and brands of mobile phones in the market today, it is has become a difficult chore for the average consumer just to pick out the right one. Often based on their primary needs, most successful cell phone brands have integrated new features with the basic function that is was intended to do.

Once a user has picked out what cellular phone to get, he naturally gets a feel on how the phone is supposed to be used by testing and exploring it and reading the manual also wont hurt. But with the different features and the technology behind it, do we ask ourselves how it really works and how these gadgets are made. Maybe because we have moved on to a more modern era of information and communication technology, we have taken small things like this for granted. But truly, how are these phones really made? What does a processing line looks like in one of those Nokia or Motorolla factories? This article hopes to help you understand in simple terms the processes involved in making a cellular phone. The process starts with research and Development where phone specifications are made before they are actually produced. Here engineer and designers gather to develop a concept for a new phone or a new line of phone. Once it has been decided on the actual manufacturing process starts. First they have to identify the parts involved.

Since the phone involves a lot of parts, some of it are produced by other manufacturing company and then assembled by the phone manufacturing. Outsourcing of parts has always been an important process in the development of any electronic device. Plastic parts like the phones casing and lining and even the buttons are made through casts and moldings. All of it must be précised because it serves a base to hold all of the cellular phones components. Next in line are the internal electronics which is composed of the motherboard which holds the processor, internal memory & receiver, the screen and the power circuit board along with other important components. The process in developing a circuit board is similar for all electronic devices; it runs through an automated service line where all diodes, transistors, ics and other parts are placed. All of these cellphone manufacturing methods adhere to strict quality standards to assure good performance. After the two parts have been made, the phone is ready to be assembled. All parts are placed according to the design to ensure proper performance. Then the finished product is passed on to a rigid quality control testing to further guarantee proper phone operation.

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